Monthly Archives: July 2021

Approved New Gym and Transport Statement in Richmond

KRONEN supported full planning proposals for a new gym which has now opened in Richmond – Majestic Fitness. Our work was provided in the form of a Transport Statement and Transport Statement Addendum. The work involved an assessment of the fairly complex planning history (doctor’s surgery as part of large former dairy site mixed use redevelopment that was never implemented, former and vacant offices, implemented children fitness uses etc.), site assessments, day-to-day operational assessments and policy assessment / justification. We worked alongside CREATE. LB Richmond reference “20/3172/FUL” for the “Proposed use of units 1 and 3 as a gym (under Class E)” at Dairy Court, Orchard Road, Richmond, TW9 4NY. (Images: Majestic Fitness) Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a proposed gym.

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Approved Application and Transport Planning Consultant Services in Barnes

KRONEN have recently supported full planning proposals for a new dwelling on Castelnau in Barnes. We have been involved with various pre-app’s, full planning applications and appeals at the site since 2017. We worked alongside Wimshurst Pelleriti on the latest scheme. We provided a Transport Statement addressing key issues such as site planning history, access constraints to a primary A-road and proposed site layout etc. The full planning application was recently approved. LB Richmond reference “20/2923/FUL” for the “Demolition of existing garages and greenhouses and redevelopment to provide a single detached residential property” at Land Rear Of 130 Castelnau, Barnes. (Images: Wimshurst Pelleriti) Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a transport planning consultant for a site in Barnes.

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Approved Application and Transport Statement on High Street Slough

KRONEN have recently worked for Jaspar for full planning proposals for a site on High Street, Slough. The proposal site comprised 2 × retail units. The proposal retained retail units and sought 61 × apartments. The main transport issues for the proposal were restrained vehicle parking, layout, servicing and trips / trip impact. The proposals were supported by a Transport Statement. The full planning application was recently approved. Slough BC application “P/03079/017” for the: “Redevelopment of the site to provide a part six, part eight storey building to form 61 residential units (Use Class C3); re-provision of 2 Commercial Units (Use Class E) associated cycle parking, refuse storage” (Images: Jaspar) Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a site in Slough.

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