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Delivery Servicing Plan for Ark Conway Primary Academy, White City (Hammersmith & Fulham)

Kronen was appointed to provide support on a complex primary school application in White City. Part of the instruction involved preparing an Outline Delivery Servicing Plan alongside a comprehensive Transport Statement. The Outline Delivery Servicing Plan was written with reference to: ‘Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document’ (LB Hammersmith & Fulham, 2013), ‘London Freight Plan sustainable freight distribution: a plan for London’ (TfL, 2007) and the ‘Delivery and Servicing Plans: Making freight work for you’ (TfL, n.d.). Given complex issues surrounding the application such as permanent highways ‘stopping up’ and changes to on-street and off-street loading provisions, the Outline Delivery Servicing Plan was an important piece of supporting information for local officers and committee members. LB Hammersmith & Fulham planning application references were 2011/02044 and 2011/02045. Read more about the project and transport work here.

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