London Borough of Richmond recently granted permission for a pair of 4-bedroom semi-detached houses with 1 × electric vehicle car parking space in Teddington. The application site was 108 Stanley Road, Teddington, TW11 8TX. LBR’s planning application reference was “23/2841/FUL”. (Images: CREATE) KRONEN provided a Parking Survey report to justify the restrained parking in an Outer London PTAL 2 / 3 site outside of a Permit CPZ. We working with CREATE. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Teddington project requires a Parking Survey report.
Croydon Council recently granted permission for 3 × car free flats in the South Norwood. The application site was 194 Portland Road, South Norwood, London SE25 4QB. Croydon Council’s planning application reference was “24/01084/FUL”. (Image: Typology Architects) KRONEN provided a Parking Survey report. We working with Gordon Osborne Typology Architects. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Croydon project requires a Parking Survey report.
Cherwell District Council approve the siting of a community use facility within a mosque car park in Banbury. KRONEN were instructed to address Oxfordshire County Council highways objection to an earlier application at the site for a similar proposal (not supported by KRONEN). In response the new application was supported by KRONEN’s Parking Survey report. The work assessed the loss off-street parking spaces during peak use which was Friday prayers. Cherwell District Council’s planning reference was “23/03403/OUT” for the “Outline planning for portacabin (single storey) to west of car park with All Matters Reserved – Re-submission of 23/01624/OUT” at Banbury Madni Mosque, Merton Street, Banbury, OX16 4RP. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Banbury project requires similar parking survey support.
London Borough of Barnet recently approved a 64 × apartment redevelopment (with 2 × disabled bays only) in New Barnet town centre. LB Barnet’s application ref was “23/4170/FUL”. The proposal sought 10 storey side and rear extension and a new building: The “Demolition of rear car park and associated structures, removal of damaged structures at roof level and second staircase from building. Renovation of facade including external wall insulation to meet Part L of Building Regulations and installation of new windows (Phase 1). Construction of 10 storey side extension (eastern elevation) and 10 storey rear extension (southern elevation). New two storey roof extension, new enclosure staircase on the southeast corner of the new building (11 storeys), internal rearrangement. Addition of new balconies. Erection of new building to provide 4 no. flats along rear boundary, new cycle parking, landscaping, amenity space, … Continue reading
Approved Application and Transport Consultant Services in Elmbridge
Last week Elmbridge BC granted permission for a proposal seeking 8 × new houses in Hinchley Wood. The site was 4 Manor Road South, Esher, KT10 0PY and 4 Greenways, Esher, KT10 0QD (within Elmbridge BC LPA area). Elmbridge’s planning application reference was “2023/2580” for “Four pairs of semi-detached two-storey houses with associated parking, refuse and cycle storage and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings”. (Images: OB Architecture) KRONEN were working with OB Architecture for ASPI Homes. The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Technical Note (access and vehicle tracking) and Parking Survey. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Elmbridge project requires transport consultant services.
Approved Application and Transport Consultant Services in Bagshot Surrey Heath
Towards the end of last year Surrey Heath BC granted permission for a proposal seeking a new building providing 9 × apartments. The site was 22 London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5HN (within Surrey Heath BC LPA area). Surrey Heath’s planning application reference was “22/1209/FFU” for the “Demolition dwellinghouse and erection of 1 no. apartment block, comprising of 9 apartments, with associated bin store, widening existing vehicular access, hard and soft landscaping”. (Images: David Ciccone) KRONEN were working with David Ciccone. The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Surrey Heath project requires transport consultant services.
Approved Application and Transport Statement in Twickenham
Earlier this year LB Richmond granted permission for RHP’s proposal seeking 7 × 3-bedroom houses and 4-bedroom houses. The site was Land at Mereway Road, Twickenham, TW2 6RF (formerly the now demolished “The Mereway Day Centre”). LB Richmond’s planning application reference was “23/0260” for the “The erection of 7 part single, part two-storey residential dwellings; 8 car parking spaces (including 1 disabled parking space); landscaping incorporating communal amenity space and ecological enhancement area; secure cycle and refuse storage.”. (Images: Wimshurst Pelleriti) KRONEN were working with Wimshurst Pelleriti for RHP. The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Twickenham project requires a Transport Statement.
Approved Planning Application and Swept Path Analysis Vehicle Tracking in Southgate, Enfield.
KRONEN were appointed to help with a residential sub division and extension proposal in Southgate in LB Enfield. We carried out swept path analysis on the proposed plans using AutoCAD Vehicle Tracking. The approved application was “23/04125/FUL” for the “Sub-division of the site and erection of semi-detached dwelling house with associated amenity space, refuse storage, cycle storage and hardstanding” at 124 Trent Gardens, London, N14 4QG. Read more about our swept path analysis work here > link. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Southgate or Enfield project requires similar swept path analysis support.
Approved Application and Transport Statement in Harmondsworth (LB Hillingdon)
LB Hillingdon gave approval for a specialist independent school in Harmondsworth catering for up to 40 × children ages 5 to 11 years old with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and who also have Autistic Syndrome Condition (ASC). The application site was Aviation House (an office building) on Harmondsworth Lane, Harmondsworth, West Drayton, UB7 0LQ. LB Hillingdon’s application reference was “2157/APP/2023/3068” for the “Change of use of the building from office (Use Class E) to non-residential education centre (SEND school) (Use Class F1) with external alterations including installation of two canopies, gates, fences, bin and cycle stores, and associated landscaping works”. (Image: CREATE) KRONEN were working with CREATE. The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Harmondsworth project requires a Transport Statement.
KRONEN were recently appointed to provide construction vehicle vehicle tracking / swept path analysis to support a construction plan for planning condition discharge for a site in Sutton. The application site was 42 Westfield Road And Rear Of 44 Westfield Road, Cheam, Sutton, SM1 2LB. Sutton Council’s planning application reference was “CLC2023/00201” “Application to clear conditions 3 (materials), 5 (solar panels), 8 (construction logistics plan), 9 (cycle Storage), 10 (refuse storage), 11 (hard and soft landscaping), 14 (boundary treatment) of approved application DM2023/00003”. Shortly after the vehicle tracking / swept path analysis was submitted the condition was discharged. All work was delivered on-time and within budget. Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your project requires construction vehicle vehicle tracking / swept path analysis.