Approved Application and Transport Statement at Brighton Road Purley

KRONEN have supported recently approved proposals at Land to the Rear of 54 to 56 Brighton Road, Purley, CR8 2LJ.

The proposals sought 4 × 4-bedroom houses.

KRONEN were working alongside Jameson Architectural Designers & Surveyors for PC Properties.

Croydon Council planning application ref was “20/05626/FUL” for the “Erection of 4x 4 bedroom houses to the rear of 54 & 56 Brighton Road, accessed via Purley Rise, with associated vehicle access, vehicular parking, private amenity spaces, refuse storage and cycle storage”.

(Image: Jameson Architectural Designers & Surveyors)

Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a site in Purley.