Enfield Council recently granted permission for 6 × apartments (4 × 2-bedroom apartments and 2 × 3-bedroom apartments) with 2 × vehicular access points (a relocated existing access point and a new access point) to serve 3 × electric vehicle parking spaces.
The application site was 37 Lancaster Avenue, Barnet, EN4 0ER (in Hadley Wood).
Enfield Council’s planning application reference was “20/03993/FUL” for the “Redevelopment of site and erection of a two storey block with lower basement level to provide 6 self-contained flats together with landscaping and associated car and cycle parking”.
(Images: Studio M12)
KRONEN were working with Studio M12 and with CREATE for Roce Developments.
The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement.
The main issues for the Transport Statement were the access changes and restrained parking in the context of Policies DMD 45 Parking Standards and Layout, DMD 46 Vehicle Crossovers and Dropped Kerbs and DMD 47 Access, New Roads and Servicing of Development Management Document (Enfield Council, 2014) and Vehicle Crossover (A dropped kerb to allow vehicle access) Application Form and Guidance Notes for Highway Approval (Enfield Council, n.d.).
KRONEN have been working on the site since 2017.
Contact KRONEN using either info@www.kronenlimited.com or 020 8541 1139 if your Hadley Wood project requires a Transport Statement.