KRONEN have recently worked for Jaspar for full planning proposals for a site on High Street, Slough.
The proposal site comprised 2 × retail units. The proposal retained retail units and sought 61 × apartments.
The main transport issues for the proposal were restrained vehicle parking, layout, servicing and trips / trip impact. The proposals were supported by a Transport Statement.
The full planning application was recently approved.
Slough BC application “P/03079/017” for the: “Redevelopment of the site to provide a part six, part eight storey building to form 61 residential units (Use Class C3); re-provision of 2 Commercial Units (Use Class E) associated cycle parking, refuse storage”
(Images: Jaspar)
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a site in Slough.