Approved Conditions Discharge in Croydon – Vehicle and Pedestrian Visibility Splays and Swept Path Analysis

KRONEN were recently appointed to assist with a proposal in Croydon.

Working for Belmont Property with OB Architecture KRONEN supported conditions discharge application “20/02510/DISC” for the “Discharge of Condition 2 (materials) and 4 (parking details) attached to planning application 20/01018/CONR for the variation of condition 1 (in accordance with approved plans), 6 (CLP), 12 (time limit) attached to planning permission ref. 19/03716/FUL for the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of building to provide 8 residential units (7 x 2 beds and 1 x 3 beds), with associated landscaped areas including children’s play space, parking, vehicular access, cycle and refuse storage” at 14 St Peter’s Road, Croydon, CR0 1HD

KRONEN provided vehicle to vehicle visibility analysis and sightline plot, vehicle to pedestrian visibility sightline plot and AutoCAD Vehicle Tracking swept path analysis.

The work and application were recently approved.

(Images OB Architecture + KRONEN)

Read more about our swept path analysis work here.

All work was delivered on-time and within budget.

Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Croydon project requires similar visibility sightline plot or swept path analysis support.