KRONEN supported full planning proposals for a new gym which has now opened in Richmond – Majestic Fitness.
Our work was provided in the form of a Transport Statement and Transport Statement Addendum.
The work involved an assessment of the fairly complex planning history (doctor’s surgery as part of large former dairy site mixed use redevelopment that was never implemented, former and vacant offices, implemented children fitness uses etc.), site assessments, day-to-day operational assessments and policy assessment / justification.
We worked alongside CREATE.
LB Richmond reference “20/3172/FUL” for the “Proposed use of units 1 and 3 as a gym (under Class E)” at Dairy Court, Orchard Road, Richmond, TW9 4NY.
(Images: Majestic Fitness)
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a proposed gym.