Kronen has recently supported two dropped kerb vehicle access applications in Richmond.
Application 18/1839/FUL at 228 Kingston Road in Teddington was supported by a Technical Note and Parking Survey.
Application 18/2155/HOT at 21 Montague Road in Richmond town centre was also supported by a Technical Note and Parking Survey.
The project at 228 Kingston Road in Teddington required a turntable to allow vehicle ingress and egress in forward gear as Kingston Road the A310 is a classified A-road.
The project at 21 Montague Road was complicated as the surrounding streets are at full capacity / 100% parking stress and a very similar application (supported by others) had previously been refused and then dismissed at appeal.
The Technical Notes for both projects set out: dimensions and angle of spaces, openings / gates, surface treatments, gradients, vehicle to pedestrian sightlines, dropped kerb positions and designs, street furniture / utility apparatus on the footway, on-street parking impacts etc.
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Richmond dropped kerb vehicle access application project requires similar support.
(Please note we are not architects, draftsmen, town planning consultants etc., we are solely transport planning consultants and not a multi-disciplinary practice. We are happy to assist clients and project teams with technical matters and prepare Technical Notes and / or Parking Surveys but we do not prepare technical plans or submit full planning / vehicle crossover applications or act as agents.)