Kronen Limited Development Transport Planning Success Case Study

Last week the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham approved a planning application for a new teaching block and sports facility to facilitate a wider school places expansion programme at The Sacred Heart High School, 212 Hammersmith Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 7DG (LBH&F planning application reference 2014/01023/FUL).

The planning application was supported by Kronen Limited’s Transport Statement and Outline Construction Logistics Plan.

The Transport Statement was prepared with regard to ‘National Planning Practice Guidance: Travel plans, transport assessments and statements in decision-taking’ (DCLG, 2014), ‘Transport Assessment best practice – guidance document’ (TfL, 2010) and ‘Guidance on Transport Assessment’ (DCLG & DfT, 2007).

Prior to preparing the Transport Statement, a scoping exercise was carried out and meetings with the project team and LBH&F officers were arranged.

The Transport Statement included details of: the school, site access and servicing, school travel based on analysis of the existing School Travel Plan, site accessibility (including Public Transport Accessibility Level PTAL score, access on foot and by cycle), in-house traffic surveys of the adjoining highway, in-house parking surveys of the Controlled Parking Zone (in accordance with LBH&F officer specification and ‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note’ (Lambeth Council, 2012)), safety assessment based on site visits and Personal Injury Accident data, the application’s additional trip generation projections based on the existing School Travel Plan, transport planning policy integration (set out in ‘Core Strategy’ (LBH&F, 2011), ‘Development Management Local Plan’ (LBH&F, 2013), ‘Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document’ (LBH&F, 2013), ‘The London Plan’ (GLA, 2011) and ‘National Planning Policy Framework’ (DCLG, 2012)) and suggested mitigation measures including an Outline Construction Logistics Plan.

The Outline Construction Logistics Plan was prepared in accordance with: LBH&F officer requests, design team input, ‘London Freight Plan sustainable freight distribution: a plan for London’ (TfL, 2007), ‘Building a better future for freight: Construction Logistics Plans’ (TfL, undated), ‘The Control of Dust and Emissions During Construction and Demolition – Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Published for Public Consultation’ (GLA, 2013) and local guidance in the ‘Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document’ (LBH&F, 2013).

All work was delivered on-time and within budget.

Kronen Limited continued to monitor the application after submission and assisted various design team members and LBH&F officers up to the day of the Planning Applications Committee meeting.

Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your project requires similar support.