Success – Approved Application and Parking Survey in Coulsdon

Croydon Council approve a planning application for a new apartment block comprising 6 × dwellings in Coulsdon.

The application was supported by Kronen’s Parking Survey report carried out in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2012)).

The proposals’ potential for overspill parking and associated parking impact had to be assessed in the Parking Survey report

The Parking Survey justified the proposal in accordance with the Development Plan policies and the National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG, 2018).

Croydon Council’s officer report noted the following:

“The proposed development would provide five car parking spaces for the six units. The level of parking provision is appropriate given the reasonable PTAL rating of the site. There is sufficient on-street parking space availability on surrounding roads to cope with any additional demand, as demonstrated in the applicant’s parking survey which showed only 40% of parking spaces were occupied.”

The developer was Lumiere Property.

For several years Kronen has advised Lumiere Property on projects from early feasibility/site acquisition to determination and conditions discharge (RIBA stages of work 0 / 1 to 4). As part of Kronen’s assistance, we also provided transport text/addendum to the architects’ Design & Access Statement.

Croydon’s planning reference was 18/01583/FUL.

(Images: RSH)

Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Coulsdon project requires similar Parking Survey support.