We’ve assisted projects that have recently been approved for changes to accesses, gates and parking in LB Richmond.
These types of applications may appear straightforward but often involve careful consideration alongside planning, design, heritage etc. items.
Considerations include whether off-street works are needed (generally avoid if possible), ingress / egress / manoeuvring, swept path analysis, vehicle and pedestrian sightlines and visibility, walls and boundary treatments, impacts to on-street parking, any street furniture, local design guidance (e.g. Transport SPD in LB Richmond).
The recent approvals were:
Application “22/2718/FUL” at 1 and 2 Pembroke Villas, The Green, Richmond for the “Alterations to front boundary including raising height of brick piers, installation of railings and the installation of vehicular and pedestrian gates”
Application “22/3504/HOT” at 32 Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 4HJ for the “Partial demolition of the front boundary wall to increase the width of the existing vehicular access, installation of an automated gate, increase in hard surfacing for off street parking, removal of existing pedestrian gate and rebuilding of front boundary wall and replacement of a pedestrian gate with a new gate. (No works to the public footpath or public highway are proposed)”
(The Green, Richmond. Image: CREATE)
(Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick. Image: Tigg + Coll)
Contact KRONEN using either info@www.kronenlimited.com or 020 8541 1139 if your project requires guidance on regarding changes to accesses, gates and parking at planning. (Note to reader, we help up to and including planning, we are not suppliers / installers of gates.)