KRONEN was recently instructed by a regular architect / developer client to assist with an application seeking to remove a car free agreement / parking permit restriction for a development that was constructed approximately 10 years ago.
The application was “20/0019/VRC” at 1 Brotherstone Walk, Kew, Richmond, TW9 4FB for the “Variation of condition U33466 (restriction on parking permits) of planning permission 10/0660/FUL (Erection of two bedroom house)”.
The site, 1 Brotherstone Walk, is a 2-bedroom dwelling with no vehicle access and no off-street parking.
KRONEN prepared a Parking Survey report carried out in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2012)) and local survey requirements (extra days and raw survey data).
These findings were assessed against Paragraphs 55 and 56 of the “National Planning Policy Framework” (MHCLG, 2019) and justification was put forward that restricting parking permit eligibility is not “necessary”.
The application seeking to remove a car free agreement / parking permit restriction was approved last month.
Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if you / your client are considering applying to remove a car free agreement / parking permit restriction (S106 Agreement or Planning Condition).