Approval – Approved Application and Transport Technical Note in Richmond Town Centre

KRONEN have supported recently approved proposals at 11 Paved Court, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1LZ (in London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames).

The application site is an existing shop, Susan Clarke Jewellers, with retail space at ground floor and storage on upper first and second floors. The site has no vehicle access and no off-street parking.

The proposals sought internal remodelling to provide 1 × 1-bedroom 2-person apartment on upper floors whilst retaining the Susan Clarke Jewellers ground floor shop.

The retained retail floorspace and proposed apartment will be “car capped” and respective commercial operators and future resident occupants will be eligible to apply for up to 1 × business and 1 × resident on-street CPZ parking permit only by Section 106 Agreement.

The proposal also includes 2 × cycle parking spaces, 1 × cycle space for the shop and 1 × cycle space for the apartment, and refuse store point at ground floor level.

KRONEN were working alongside John Rich Architects’ (architects and agents).

KRONEN provided transport support and prepared a Transport Technical Note.

The LB Richmond planning application ref was “19/0950/FUL” and the application was approved earlier this month.

(Image: John Rich Architects)

Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Richmond Town Centre Transport Technical Note.