Success – Approved Application and Transport Statement and CLP, White City

Yesterday the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications Committee granted permission, subject to conditions, for a new two form entry primary school within existing grounds at Burlington Danes Academy, Wood Lane, London, W12 0HR. The new two form entry school will be known as Burlington Danes Primary Academy.

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham planning application reference 2014/01945/FUL.

The planning application was supported by Kronen Limited’s Transport Statement, Technical Note and Outline Construction Logistics Plan.

Transport and the loss of open space / play space were the two key issues for the planning application.

Given the scale of the development and the importance of transport to the project’s success, the application’s progress was carefully monitored and detailed discussions were carried out with the project team, LBH&F planning officers, LBH&F transport & highways officers and Transport for London officers.

The Transport Statement was prepared with regard to ‘National Planning Practice Guidance: Travel plans, transport assessments and statements in decision-taking’ (DCLG, 2014), ‘Transport Assessment best practice – guidance document’ (TfL, 2010) and ‘Guidance on Transport Assessment’ (DCLG & DfT, 2007).

The Outline Construction Logistics Plan was prepared in accordance with ‘Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for developers’ (Mayor of London & TfL, 2013).

All work was delivered on-time and within budget.

Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your project requires similar support.