Approved Application and Transport Statement in Barnes

Last month LB Richmond planning committee granted permission for a mixed use commercial and residential development at Priests Bridge in Barnes.

“Demolition all buildings on site and the erection of a three-storey building and a part one, two-storey building comprising (3 x 1 bedroom and 4 x 2 bedroom) flats and approximately 805 sqm of flexible B1/D1 and flexible B1/D2 commercial floorspace, surface-level car-parking for six vehicles, cycle parking and associated works.”

The application site was 26-28 Priests Bridge, London, SW14 8TA.

LB Richmond’s planning application reference was “19/0391/FUL”.

(Images: Wimshurst Pelleriti)

KRONEN were working for Wimshurst Pelleriti (architect, designer and client).

The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement.

The main issues for the Transport Statement included justifying a restrained parking provision in a lower PTAL area of Barnes and resolving a site layout to accommodate residential users, commercial users and a vehicle repair workshop on a constrained site.

All work was delivered on-time and within budget.

Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Barnes project requires a Transport Statement.