Recently Epsom & Ewell Borough Council granted permission for a residential development.
The application site comprised of a mixed use building on Ewell High Street.
The application sought extensions and alterations to the building to provide 3 new dwellings.
Due to site constraints all 3 new dwellings were proposed as “care free” / “zero parking”.
The Transport Statement report set out the existing site, the site’s accessibility using sustainable transport modes, the adjoining highway network, the proposals, the proposal’s transport impact and integration with planning policy and guidance.
Parking was main transport matter in the Transport Statement and “material considerations” such as planning precedents and local car ownership Census data were used to justify the zero parking provision alongside Policy DM 37 and Annexe 2 Borough-wide Parking Standards of Development Management Policies Document (Epsom & Ewell BC, 2015), Parking Standards for Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document (Epsom & Ewell BC, 2015) and Surrey County Council Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (Surrey CC, 2018).
The application reference was “18/00537/FUL” and the description was “Single storey roof extension at third floor level to provide 2 one-bedroom flats; rear extension at ground floor level and associated change of use at the rear of the ground floor from Use Class A2 to C3 (residential) to provide a two-bedroom flat” at 27 -29 High Street, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 1SB.
The developer and architect was Jaspar Group.
(Image: Jaspar)
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Epsom & Ewell project requires similar Transport Statement support.