In the past week Kent County Council planning committee granted permission for the 2 form entry expansion of The Maplesden Noakes School coeducational secondary and sixth form school as follows:
“Full planning application for the proposed 2 form of entry expansion involving: a) the erection of a new freestanding three-storey teaching block; b) single-storey extension of existing dining area; c) provision of additional 22 car parking spaces; and d) associated landscaping works.”
The application site was The Maplesden Noakes School, Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent ME16 0TJ.
Kent CC’s planning application reference was “KCC/MA/0107/2019”.
(Images: Bond Bryan Architects)
KRONEN were working for Gen2 / Kent CC alongside Resolution Planning (agent) and Bond Bryan Architects (designers).
The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement.
The Transport Statement was prepared in accordance with web-based best practice guidance resource Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government’s National Planning Practice Guidance: Travel plans, transport assessments and statements in decision-taking and included:
- Assessment of transport sustainability / public and active transport accessibility
- Assessment of road safety and Personal Injury Accident collision data
- On-street parking surveys carried out in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2012))
- Car parking provisions
- Cycle parking provisions
- Trip projections and trip and parking impacts (based on Travel Plan hands-up surveys)
- Development Plan policy integration
Given the sensitivity of the application and school site (neighbouring Maidstone Grammar School for Girls and Brunswick House Primary School) and the importance of transport to the project’s success, the application’s progress was carefully monitored and detailed discussions were carried out with the project team, Kent CC transport & highways officers.
All work was delivered on-time and within budget.
Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Maidstone project requires a Transport Statement.