Approval – Approved Application and Transport Statement Reigate & Banstead

Kronen have recently worked with Lumiere Property / Pellings / Robinson Escott Planning on pre-app and full planning proposals for a site on Epsom Lane South (within Reigate & Banstead Borough Council).

The proposal sought a new dwelling with the formation of new access and off-street parking.

The main transport issues for the proposal were new site access, site layout and parking provisions. The proposals were supported by a Transport Statement Technical Note.

The full planning application was recently approved.

The Reigate & Banstead BC application number was “18/01696/F” and the description was as follows “Erection of 1 No. Dwelling, vehicular access onto Epsom Lane South and associated works” at Land Rear Of 56 Cross Road Tadworth Surrey KT20 5ST.

(Image: Pellings)

Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a site in Reigate & Banstead.