Earlier this month Lambeth Council granted permission for a mixed use commercial and residential development opposite Streatham Common Station.
“Demolition of existing buildings and erection of part 2 – part 4 storeys mixed-use building comprising 9 residential units with two non-residential units ( Use class A1 / A2 / A3 / D1 / D2 ) at ground floor.”
The application site was 2-4 Ellison Road, London, SW16 5BY.
Lambeth Council’s planning application reference was “19/02453/FUL”.
(Image: Wimshurst Pelleriti)
KRONEN were working for Wimshurst Pelleriti (architect, designer and client).
The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement.
The main issues for the Transport Statement included justifying a zero parking provision outside of a Controlled Parking Zone and resolving servicing for commercial units at a four arm signalised junction.
We had been retained for this instruction, previously assisting with approved application “18/03650/P3O” “Application for prior approval of the change of use from office (B1(a)) to residential (C3)” at 4 Ellison Road, London, SW16 5BY.
All work was delivered on-time and within budget.
Contact KRONEN using either info@www.kronenlimited.com or 020 8541 1139 if your Streatham Common project requires a Transport Statement.