Over the past couple of years Kronen has worked with Wimshurst Pelleriti on Richmond Housing Partnership’s proposals for “Sommerville House” in the Whitton area of Twickenham / Richmond.
The proposals sought to provide 21 residential sheltered care units (8 × 2-bedroom unit, 13 × 1-bedroom units) for over 55 year olds. The proposal also included numerous communal and garden spaces for a small kitchen / café, library and multipurpose spaces for wellbeing activities.
The proposal included no off-street car parking but did allow for scooters.
The London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames’ planning reference was “16/3506”.
The application was recently unanimously approved at LBR planning committee.
(Images: Wimshurst Pelleriti)
Contact Kronen Limited using either info@www.kronenlimited.com or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a site in Whitton.