KRONEN have supported Wimshurst Pelleriti’s recently approved proposals at St Michael’s Centre in Fulham.
The proposals sought mixed use car free development with 285sqm floor space of community facilities and with 9 × apartments.
We prepared a Transport Technical Note assessing sustainable travel, highways conditions, cycle parking, trip generations, refuse and transport impacts in response to a holding objection.
LB Hammersmith and Fulham’s planning application ref was “2022/01707/FUL” for the “Partial demolition of the existing St Michael’s Centre with retention of the majority of building facades and the erection of one, three and four storey side extensions and roof extensions (including replacement of existing roof) resulting in a four storey building with rooms in the roof, for mixed use as a flexible community facility and 9 no. self-contained residential units, with associated cycle storage and refuse storage” at St Michael’s Centre, Townmead Road, London, SW6 2SR.
We were retained having worked on an earlier approval at the site.
(Image: Wimshurst Pelleriti)
Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Technical Note for a site in Fulham.