Enfield Council recently approved 2 × planning applications for car free House in Multiple Occupation redevelopments in Ponders End.

KRONEN were working for Axis Developments.

The applications were supported by KRONEN’s Parking Survey reports carried out in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2021)).

The site is just outside the Ponders End town centre boundary and streets are outside Permit Controlled Parking Zone with parking stress of 90%.

Enfield Council’s planning references and descriptions were

“22/01210/FUL” for the “Change of use from a residential dwelling (Use Class C3) to a house in multiple occupation for up to seven individual tenants” (Sui Generis).

“22/01214/FUL” for the “Change of use from a residential dwelling (Use Class C3) to a house in multiple occupation (Use Class C4) for up to six individual tenants”.

The site address was 1 Northfield Road, Enfield, EN3 4BP

(Images: Bing Maps).

Contact KRONEN using either info@kronenlimited.com or 020 8541 1139 if your Ponders End project requires similar Parking Survey support.