Transport Statements
Most planning applications for new developments require some form of supporting transport evidence. Typically this evidence will be provided in either a Transport Assessment or a Transport Statement.
Transport Assessments are fuller more comprehensive assessments of the transport impacts of a development whereas Transport Statements are a ‘lighter-touch’ evaluation for developments of a lesser scale. Whether you need transport statements or transport assessments, Kronen can assist you.
With the “presumption in favour of sustainable development” at the heart of national planning policy Transport Statements and Transport Assessments are increasingly essential inputs when planning applications are being determined (Para. 113, p.32, “National Planning Policy Framework", Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, 2021):
“All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed."
Transport Statements
A Kronen Transport Statement will be prepared in light of current web-based best practice guidance resources: ‘Planning Practice Guidance: Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements’ (Department for Communities and Local Governemnt, 2014) and other regional / local guidance.
A Kronen Transport Statement will typically assess: an application site’s location, access to sustainable transport, highways access and conditions, existing / extant use(s), proposed planning application use(s), the transport and traffic impact, potential impact mitigation measures (if necessary) and the application’s integration with Development Plan policies.
In accordance with current guidance a ‘lighter-touch’ Transport Statement may provide detailed focus on one or more sensitive transport impacts (with reference to the web-based ‘Planning Practice Guidance’, DCLG, 2014).
Transport Assessments
As a natural extension of its Transport Statement work Kronen also prepares more comprehensive Transport Assessments.
The Coalition Government’s decision to withdraw ‘Guidance on Transport Assessment‘ (DfT & DCLG, 2007) has blurred when a Transport Assessment is required and when a Transport Statement is required.
Please get in touch and Kronen will be pleased to advise you which report your application will need, whether it’s transport statements or assessments.