Approved Application and Transport Statement at Smitham Bottom Lane, Purley, Croydon

Last week Croydon Council granted permission for a residential development of houses and apartments at Smitham Bottom Lane in Purley.

“Demolition of existing single storey detached dwelling (with roof accommodation) and erection of a two storey building (with roof accommodation) to the front comprising 6 self-contained flats and construction of a two storey building to the rear comprising 3 terraced dwellings; new access drive to the side; vehicular parking; hard and soft landscaping; communal/amenity/play space; refuse and cycle storage and boundary treatment.”

The application site was 14A Smitham Bottom Lane, Purley, CR8 3DA.

The Council’s planning application reference was “20/04997/FUL”.

(Images: Philip Roy Architecture)

The planning application, and the earlier application, were supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement.

All work was delivered on-time and within budget.

Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your project requires a Transport Statement.