KRONEN have supported proposals recently approved by Croydon Council at Garages at Purcell Close, Kenley, CR8 5AZ.
The site comprises 12 × garages plus additional surface parking.
The proposal sought an apartment building comprising 5 × apartments. The proposal included a revised access from Purcell Close serving 8 × off-street vehicle spaces for existing garage site users and new apartments.
Context / networks, parking, access etc. were assessed in a Transport Statement.
KRONEN were working alongside Lumiere, Union Architecture and Robin Escott Planning.
Croydon Council planning application ref was “21/02737/FUL” for the “Demolition of existing garage blocks and erection of a three storey building to provide 5 flats (with accommodation in the roof space), including associated proposed amenity space, landscaping, parking, new access, cycle and refuse storage” at Garage Site West Of 1 Purcell Close, Kenley, CR8 5AZ.
(Image: Union Architecture)
Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Statement for a site in Kenley.