Approved Takeaway Restaurant and Transport Technical Note Parking Survey in the Bracknell

KRONEN have recently worked on full planning proposals for a Takeaway Restaurant in Bracknell.

Bracknell Forest Highways issued a holding objection to the proposal on parking grounds.

In response KRONEN provided a Transport Technical Note and Parking Survey providing justification of the proposals.

The full planning application was recently approved.

Bracknell Forest application “20/00912/FUL” for the change of use from Dry Cleaners to Hot Food Takeaway at 96 Liscombe, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7DE.

Bracknell Forest’s officer’s report states:

Following a request from the Highway Authority to undertake a parking survey, the applicant has provided the
results of a parking survey conducted on 22/12/2020. The survey was conducted at peak times for the
proposed takeaway business use, 6pm to 10pm, and showed substantial spare capacity in the 3 car parks in
the vicinity of 96 Liscombe.

The survey was conducted during tier 4 coronavirus restrictions. However, only two businesses served by the
car parks were closed at the time of the survey, and with over 150 parking spaces unoccupied for the duration
of the survey, the parking provision appears sufficient to support a new takeaway business with modest
parking uplift in this area.

As such the proposal would be in accordance with ‘Saved’ policy M9 of the BFBLP, Policy CS23 of the CSDPD
and Bracknell Forest Borough Parking Standards, Supplementary Planning Document 2016 (SPD).

The applicant was pleased with the work and kindly provided the following Google review:

Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Transport Technical Note or Parking Survey for a site in Bracknell Forest.