Success – Approved Application and Parking Survey, Hillingdon

Following two previous refusals (Hillingdon Application references 34463/APP/2016/3031 and 34463/APP/2016/4085) Kronen Limited were instructed to carry out a Parking Survey for a new Planning Application.

The Planning Application at Cowley Mill Road was 34463/APP/2017/2254 for “Change of use from single dwelling house (Use Class C3) to a 6 person House of Multiple Occupancy (Class C4)”.

The Application included no formal off-street parking.

The Application was approved and the Officer’s Delegated Report highlights the importance of the Parking Survey work as follows:

“Policy AM14 states that new development will only be permitted where it is in accordance with the Council’s adopted Car Parking Standards. These require a maximum provision of 1 space per two bedrooms. Where there is insufficient space within the curtilage to meet this parking standard, 1 space may be waived depending on the local on-street parking capacity and accessibility to public transport and local facilities. Cycle parking should be provided at a ratio of 1 space per two habitable rooms and this parking should be conveniently located and covered.

This application is a follow up from a previous applications for the conversion of an existing dwelling to HMO that was refused with highway grounds (lack of car parking) as the basis of the refusal. The applicant has since submitted an application for preapplication advice which was supported by the Highways Officer. The site has a PTAL value of 2 (poor) so there is likely to be reliance on private cars at the site. The on-site car parking requirement for an HMO with 4 residents is 2 spaces. The applicant has had a car parking stress survey carried out using the Lambeth Methodology and that demonstrates that there is sufficient on-street car parking capacity to cater for the development if no car parking was available on site. The applicant has also shown covered secure cycle parking at the rear of the property in the revised layout plan. On the basis of the above comments the Highways Officer is satisfied that the applicant has addressed the previous reasons for refusal.”

The applicant Mr Luthra provided the following kind words / testimonial:

“Yes it was approved – thanks to your excellent report.”


Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Hillingdon project requires similar Parking Survey support.