Appeal success for a proposed apartment development on Joel Street in Hillingdon.
Kronen were appointed as parking consultant for the original planning application that was supported by Kronen’s parking stress report carried out in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2012)).
The application was for 6 × apartments with 4 × off-street parking spaces (due to the physical constraints of the site), accordingly the potential for overspill parking and associated parking impact had to be assessed in the parking stress study.
The Parking Survey justified the proposal in accordance with Development Plan policies and National Planning Policy Framework.
LB Hillingdon delayed determination and were minded to refuse the application on design matters and a shortfall of parking based on a requirement for 1.5 × off-street parking spaces per apartment.
Accordingly the agents submitted a non-determination appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.
With regards to parking the Planning Inspectorate allowed the appeal based on observations and the findings of our Parking Survey.
LB Hillingdon’s planning reference was 16589/APP/2018/3310. PINS’ appeal reference was APP/R5510/W/18/3217591. The application / appeal site was 190 Joel Street, Northwood, HA5 2PF.
(Images: Dont Move Extend)
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if you need a Hillingdon Parking Consultant.