The London Borough of Barnet approve a change of use and alterations / extensions planning application for 6 × flats at a former high street bank on The Broadway in Mill Hill.

The application was supported by KRONEN’s on-street parking surveys carried out in accordance with “Lambeth Methodology” (“Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note” (Lambeth Council, 2021)).

As the proposal was for 6 × flats with no off-street parking spaces the potential for overspill parking and associated parking impact had to be assessed in the parking survey report.

The London Borough of Barnet planning reference was “21/1521/FUL” for the “Conversion of existing first floor office space into 2no self contained units, internal alterations to second floor to provide 2no. self contained units including first and second floor rear extension following the demolition of the existing first floor rear extension. Erection of a two storey detached building to the rear following demolition in part of the existing single storey rear extension to provide 2no self-contained units. Associated refuse/recycle store, cycle parking and amenity space (Amended Description and Plans)” at 55 The Broadway, London, NW7 3DA.

(Image: Wighton Architects)

Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Mill Hill project requires similar parking survey support.