The London Borough of Haringey approve a planning application for 5 flats in Muswell Hill.
The application was supported by Kronen’s on-street parking surveys carried out in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2012)).
The proposal was for alterations and extensions to a care home to create 5 flats without off-street parking (due to the physical constraints of the site), accordingly the potential for overspill parking and associated parking impact had to be assessed in the parking survey report
The on-street parking surveys found well-parked streets, as such robust transport planning justification using detailed local Census and Development Plan analysis was required.
LB Haringey’s Transport Department consultation response shows how critical the transport evidence was to securing a favourable outcome:
“The accompanying Transport Statement assessed Census data to give an indication of current car ownership levels within the vicinity of the site. Using this as a basis, the proposed development is likely to generate parking demand for approx. 3 parking spaces.
The existing use does not accommodate any off-street parking and the proposed change of use does not provide any off-street parking provision. Whilst it is likely that some vehicle trips/parking demand may be lost as a result of the loss of the 12 bed-space car home, the proposed residential units have the potential to generate parking demand, which in the absence of any dedicated off-street parking, is likely to be displaced on street.
The applicant has submitted a parking stress survey carried in accordance with established best practice (Lambeth Methodology). The survey results indicate that whilst parking stress is high in this location, approx. 10 spaces are available within a 200 metre catchment area …
Based on the results of the parking stress survey and the relatively modest scale of the parking demand likely to be generate by the proposals, any net increases in on-street parking demand at this location is not likely to be significant or lead to an adverse impact of adjoin roads.
Consequently, the Highway Authority would not object to this development proposal …”.
LB Haringey’s planning reference was HGY/2017/0291.
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your project requires similar parking survey support.