Croydon Council recently approved a new residential development.
The application site was 19 Box Ridge Avenue, Purley, CR8 3AS.
Kronen assisted Lumiere Property from initial feasibility, two rounds of pre-app and full planning (Transport Statement) up to the application determination; RIBA Plan of Work Stages 1 to 3.
The application sought approval for an apartment block comprising 8 × apartments. The proposed schedule of accommodation is 3 × 1-bedroom, 3 × 2-bedroom and 2 × 3-bedroom apartments. The proposal retained the existing vehicle access to serve 4 × off-street vehicle spaces.
Croydon Council’s planning application reference was 18/04762/FUL.
The formal description was: “Demolition of existing two storey house and detached garage. Erection of two/three storey building with accommodation in the roofscape to provide 8 units including the provision of car and cycle parking, refuse storage facilities, hard and soft landscaping and land alterations throughout the site”.
The planning application was supported by Kronen Limited’s Transport Statement.
The Transport Statement report set out the existing site, the site’s accessibility using sustainable transport modes, the adjoining highway network, the proposals, the proposal’s parking and transport impact and integration with planning policy and guidance.
(Images: Pellings)
Contact Kronen Limited using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Croydon project requires similar Transport Statement support.