Approved Application and Transport Statement in Harmondsworth (LB Hillingdon)

LB Hillingdon gave approval for a specialist independent school in Harmondsworth catering for up to 40 × children ages 5 to 11 years old with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and who also have Autistic Syndrome Condition (ASC).

The application site was Aviation House (an office building) on Harmondsworth Lane, Harmondsworth, West Drayton, UB7 0LQ.

LB Hillingdon’s application reference was “2157/APP/2023/3068” for the “Change of use of the building from office (Use Class E) to non-residential education centre (SEND school) (Use Class F1) with external alterations including installation of two canopies, gates, fences, bin and cycle stores, and associated landscaping works”.

(Image: CREATE)

KRONEN were working with CREATE.

The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement.

Contact KRONEN using either or 020 8541 1139 if your Harmondsworth project requires a Transport Statement.