Recent APPROVAL for a residential development comprising 9 × apartments on Smitham Downs Road. We were working for Lumiere Property alongside Robinson Escott Planning (agent) and Pellings (designers). The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement. Croydon Council ref “19/04500/FUL” for the “Demolition of existing three storey house and detached garage and erection of a five storey building including basement accommodation and within the roof space to provide 9 units as well as associated new vehicular access, car parking, cycle/refuse storage and soft/hard landscaping” at 1 Smitham Downs Road, Purley, CR8 4NH.
(Image: Pellings).
This approval follows another approval KRONEN supported on Smitham Downs Road; application “19/02313/FUL” for the “Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two storey building with accommodation within the roof space as well an erection of a single storey bungalow located at the rear of the site to provide a total of nine units as well as revised vehicular access, associated parking, landscaping, internal refuse and cycle storage” at 10 Smitham Downs Road, Purley, CR8 4NA.