East Cambridgeshire District Council recently approved a new house in Littleport town centre.
East Cambridgeshire DC’s application ref was “22/00378/FUL”.
The proposal sought the “Construction of two-storey dwelling, creation of a stair enclosure to the flat above the existing retail unit & bin area for 22 Main Street and associated works”.
The site was car park to the rear of Rima’s Shop, 22 Main Street, Littleport, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1PJ.
The site was a car park and bin store area for a shop.
The proposal was for a new house; originally with off-street parking in an internal garage but over the course of the assessment / determination the proposal changed to zero parking development.
(Image: Wimshurst Pelleriti)
The planning application was supported by KRONEN’s Transport Statement Technical Note.
The main issues for the Transport Statement included loss of existing parking (justified using surveys of the car park and town centre car parks), highway safety, suitability of zero parking housing requiring a relaxation of town centre car parking standards (with site just outside of the planning policy town centre boundary).
The application required robust justification prior to determination.
We have been involved on the site since pre-application stage in 2021.
Contact KRONEN using either info@www.kronenlimited.com or 020 8541 1139 if your Ely / East Cambridgeshire project requires a Transport Statement Technical Note.